Module src.Config


class Config (name: str, base_url: str, auth: dict = None, headers: dict = None)

Config Object For an Api

Object that store Api configurations that will be needed to execute requests


name(String: Required):

string to reference a Config api object
don't call 2 api with the same name or
an api config will be delete

base_url(String: Required):

url common part for all your requests with this api

    "https://api" will allow to create requests like
        -->  "https://api/firstpath"
        -->  "https://api/secondpath"
        -->  "https://api/thirdpath"

auth(Map: Optional):

if you need an authentication for the api
provide their the authentication header field
(ex: Authorization) and the token

    auth -> {'the auth field here': 'Your token here'}

headers(Map: Optional):

if you need to provide other headers to api
do it like 'auth' argument (multiple header key/value accepted)

    header -> {

Class variables

var auth : dict
var base_url : str
var headers : dict
var name : str